Juni 2019 - März 2020
Ich bin kein Berliner, aber ich möchte hier bleiben. Zuerst dachte ich, ich würde ein paar Monate in Berlin bleiben. Aber natürlich bin ich neun Monate später immer noch hier. Ich finde es so krass sein, dass ich meinen ganzen Wunsch in dieser Stadt gefunden habe. Der Wunsch, dass ich mich in einem anderen Land zu Hause fühlen würde. Der Wunsch, ich könnte ein Heimat für meine Kunst finden.
June 2019 - March 2020
I am not a Berliner but I want to stay here. At first I thought I would stay in Berlin for a few months. But naturally I am still here, nine months later. I find it so amazing that I have found my ultimate wish in this city. The wish that I would feel at home in another country. The wish I could find a home for my art.
Below displays "the _unseen series" after it has made it's way to Berlin. My colour scheme is quite similar to before, however I feel like my lines have gotten a lot more fluid and I can see a process developing throughout my work. I am highly influenced by the colours the great city has to offer, especially when travelling daily by foot/bike/s-bahn/bus/tram/u-bahn. There are so many aspects of one city to see, and with a wide range of environmental public art dispersed around the metropolis, I really am in my element here.
The art scene in Berlin is a lot more saturated than I anticipated. I have been a frequent exhibition goer and have met some wonderful artists throughout the last few months. As I wrote above, I really feel at home in this city. I am not much of a blogger but I felt like publishing this post on my website was a crucial point in my development as an artist here and want other artists/viewers to understand the concepts and opportunities taking a leap to another country has to offer.
In relation to my work, it has kept it's natural birth characteristics with the ongoing theme being the Northern Lights. I also got fascinated with the lines made by the transport routes seen on the map of Berlin. I took aspects of these routes, with the collaboration of the routes made by various constellations and started to form my very own linear constellations. This process took a lot of time, and as you can see in the images of my artwork below, much trial and error was needed in order to successfully find formations that "fit", or simply "felt right". In terms with my colour scheme, the pastel colour approach is still evident, however more fluorescent and vivid tones have also began appearing throughout my work, a development I am thoroughly enjoying.